Let’s Cooking! 🍳

One of the skills we must have is cooking. Self cooking is a useful skill when we study and work aboard. Beside that, we can cook our own healthy food and save more money. You can make your own recipes. Here some examples of the main ingredients that you can make at home for 7 days. It is so simple and fun to try. The ingredients are easily found everywhere. 🍗🍜🍱

1. Day 1 – Egg
Eggs are the main ingredient that is usually available in home. Eggs can be created into any food according to individual tastes. You can make some omelets or just low fat boiled eggs.

2. Day 2 – Fried Rice
This Indonesian cuisine is most often met everywhere. How about we make it by ourselves? You can add fried rice with sausage, meatballs, or even add slices of meat. Even better if you add chilies to increase your taste.

3. Day 3 – Chicken
Chicken meat can be processed into delicious food with various spices. Choose by yourself, sweet or spicy!

4. Day 4 – Vegetables
This dish is usually be a side of rice. Vegetables also contain much vitamins, calcium and other substances. One of tips on cooking vegetable leaves, not to boil them too long so some vitamins are not lost.

5. Day 5 – Pudding
Let’s move on to desserts like pudding. Not only as a dessert, pudding made from jelly contains much of fiber and can help to improve your digestion.

6. Day 6 – Corn
Corn is not only a vegetable. You can turn it into a many of tasty and nutritious snacks, such as popcorn, soup or salad.

7. Day 7 – Fruits
To increase our body endurance during the COVID-19 outbreak, we are encouraged to consume lots of fruits because it contain much of vitamins.


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